How was your date? 约会还顺利吗? My God. Sorry about that. 天啊_歌词全文

耳环宝宝 2023-6-29 0

How was your date? 约会还顺利吗? My God. Sorry about that. 天啊_歌词全文




Friends S07E07歌词

[00:00.070]-Morning. -Hi. -早安 -嗨
[00:02.370]How was your date? 约会还顺利吗?
[00:04.440]-Pretty good. -Oh, good. -很不错 -太好了
[00:08.810]My God. Sorry about that. 天啊,我真的很抱歉
[00:12.480]Okay, really good. 这真的是太棒了
[00:14.680]I gotta go. I'm late. 我得走了,我要迟到了
[00:16.450]You're going to leave her with me? 你要把她丢给我?
[00:18.750]Don't worry, she's a terrific girl. 别担心,她真的很棒
[00:21.020]Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?
[00:22.620]Could you mention I'm not looking for a relationship? That'd be great. 你能跟她说我不想定下来吗? 谢谢你帮我这个大忙
[00:27.290]What, are you kidding? 什么?你在开玩笑吗?
[00:29.330]Just casually slip it in, you know. Lay the groundwork. 不经意跟她提起这件事 装做轻描淡写的样子
[00:32.960]Tell her I'm a loner. No, an outlaw. 告诉她我是个独行侠 不,我是爱的逃犯
[00:36.470]She doesn't want to get mixed up with the likes of me. 她不会想跟我这种人混在一起
[00:39.770]That's a lot to remember. 那太复杂了
[00:41.410]Can't I tell her that you're a pig? 我不能直接告诉她你是猪吗?
[00:44.240]I'm gonna call her later myself. 我会找时间亲自打电话给她
[00:46.750]Honest. 我保证
[00:48.210]Chandler used to do it. He'd make her pancakes. 钱德以前常这么做 他还会做煎饼给她吃
[00:51.480]He'd make extras and leave them for me. 他会多做几块留给我吃
[00:54.650]I'm not telling her anything. It's not my responsibility. 我什么都不会告诉她 这不是我的责任
[00:58.160]Fine. 好吧
[01:00.690]Now,where did we land on those pancakes? 那些煎饼应该怎么办?
[01:07.000]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨
[01:08.400]Sorry, but I couldn't get that lock to work. 抱歉,我没办法把门锁上
[01:11.800]Yeah, Joey kind of disabled it when I moved in. 没关系,我搬进来时 乔伊就把它弄坏了
[01:15.540]-You must be Rachel. I'm Erin. -Hi. -你一定是瑞秋,我是艾玲 -嗨
[01:18.980]I don't mean this to sound like high school, but did he talk about me? 我不想跟高中女生一样无聊 但他有跟你谈到我吗?
[01:26.280]Would you like some pancakes? 你要吃煎饼吗?
[01:29.520]The One With Ross's Library Book 本集播出:罗斯的博士论文
[02:11.000]-Come on. Why are we here? -Okay, okay, take a guess. -快说吧,我们为什么要来这里? -好吧,猜一下
[02:16.370]The hot chicks? 这里有辣妹?
[02:18.500]Okay, okay, I was typing names into the library computer earlier... 好吧,之前我将一些名字 输入图书馆的电脑里…
[02:22.770]you know, for fun. 你知道的,那只是为了好玩
[02:24.640]And I typed mine in, and guess what came up? 我输入我的名字,你猜我发现了什么
[02:27.650]My doctoral dissertation. 我的博士论文
[02:29.710]It's right down here in the biggest library in the university. 它就放在大学中最大的图书馆里
[02:34.020]Wow, that's actually pretty cool. 哇,那真的很酷
[02:37.220]There's also a book here by a woman named Wendy Bagina. 这里还收藏了一本书 作者是叫做温蒂巴琴娜的女人
[02:44.600]What is that? 那是怎么一回事?
[02:46.900]Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey decimal system. 看起来这两个家伙 真的很喜欢杜威十进分类法
[02:55.440]We're so sorry. 我们真的很抱歉
[03:01.180]You didn't bring me here to do that, did you? 你该不会是带我 来这里做那档子事吧?
[03:10.460]She sent the chicken back again? 她又把鸡肉退了回来?
[03:12.490]She said it's too dry and wants to explain to you how she wants it. 她说鸡肉太干,想亲自跟你解释 她要什么样的鸡肉
[03:16.860]I'd like to meet this chicken expert. 我倒想会会这个鸡肉专家
[03:19.400]Send the colonel in. 叫她进来吧
[03:25.770]Oh, my God! 我的天啊!
[03:31.910]Lucky bastard. 幸运的混蛋
[03:35.180]-Janice. -How are you... -珍妮丝 -你好吗...
[03:37.280]Ms. Hotshot-Chef-at-the-Big-Fancy- Restaurant-With-the-Best-Chicken-Ever? 高级大餐厅里 处理上等鸡肉的辣妹大厨师
[03:45.260]I'm fine. 我很好
[03:47.060]Oh, what is that on your finger? I'm blind. 你手上戴了什么?我看不见了
[03:53.200]So who's the lucky guy? 谁是那个幸运的男人?
[03:58.570]Oh, my God. 我的天啊
[04:02.340]I am so sorry, sweetie. 我真的很抱歉,甜心
[04:04.910]Are you okay? 你没事吧?
[04:07.950]You didn't tell her we're engaged? 你没有告诉她我们将会结婚吧?
[04:10.010]-She saw the ring. -Did she freak out? -她看到戒指了 -她被吓到了吗?
[04:12.720]She was shocked, but then again,so were most people. 她的确吓了一大跳 但很多人都吓了一大跳
[04:17.920]She actually has a boyfriend herself. 事实上她也交了男朋友
[04:20.960]Name's Clark. 他叫做克拉克
[04:22.730]She also invited herself to our wedding. 她还邀请自己来参加我们的婚礼
[04:25.700]Clark too. 还有克拉克
[04:29.230]You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧?
[04:34.610]You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧?
[04:36.910]She cornered me. She asked me if the wedding was in town. 她逼得我头晕,还质问我 婚礼是不是在城里举行
[04:40.280]-What was I supposed to do? -Lie. -我该怎么办? -说谎骗她
[04:43.610]How hard is that? "Your check's in the mail." 那会有多难呢? “你的支票寄出去了”
[04:46.220]"Oh, your baby's so cute." “你的宝宝好可爱”
[04:49.420]"I can't wait to read your book, Ross." “我等不及要看你的书,罗斯”
[04:54.830]So she comes to the wedding. Maybe it won't be so bad. 她会来参加婚礼 或许那不会是件坏事
[04:57.900]Think she'll sit quietly? Think she'll want to make a toast? 你以为她会安静地坐着? 你以为她会跟我们举杯致意?
[05:01.970]You don't think she'll want to sing "Part-Time Lover"? 你该不会以为她想唱《兼职情人》吧?
[05:06.470]Oh, my God. She's not gonna like the chicken either, is she? 我的天啊,她不会喜欢鸡肉,对吧?
[05:13.410]You know what? It'll be okay. 你知道吗?一定会没事的
[05:15.510]She's probably not gonna even want to come. 或许她根本不想来
[05:18.320]-Really? -No, that was a lie. -真的吗? -不,那是个谎言
[05:22.220]See how easy that was? 你知道说谎有多容易了吧?
[05:25.120]So you would have just lied? 你会骗她吗?
[05:28.260]Yes. 我会
[05:29.930]-It would have really been that easy? -Yes. -它真的那么简单? -对
[05:34.000]Do it Saturday. We're having dinner with her and Clark. 星期六表演给我看 我们要跟她及克拉克共进晚餐
[05:44.480]Hey, what's up? 你们还好吗?
[05:47.780]Hey, who's your friend? 你们的朋友是谁啊?
[05:52.450]-Hey, Joey. -Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -艾玲
[05:55.350]You're still here. 你还在这里
[05:58.260]We ended up spending the day together and had such a great time. 我们整天泡在一起,玩得很开心
[06:02.490]Why wouldn't you? Erin is great. 有何不可呢?艾玲真的很棒
[06:05.530]And then there's you guys. 你们也是
[06:08.070]Well, listen, I better get going. 听着,我得走了
[06:11.640]Today was great. Thanks. 今天真的很愉快,谢谢
[06:14.510]And Joey, last night was fun. 乔伊,昨晚真的很棒
[06:17.180]Yeah. I'll call you. 是啊,我再打电话给你
[06:19.780]-I'll call you too. -Or I'll call you. -我也会打电话给你 -我会打电话给你
[06:21.910]-And call me. -Okay. -打电话给我 -好的
[06:24.350]Good to see you again. 很高兴能再见到你
[06:26.020]-Bye-bye. -Bye. -再见 -再见
[06:29.550]The system kind of broke down,huh? 那套系统已经崩溃了?
[06:33.520]Joey, I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell her all those things. 乔伊,对不起,我没办法 告诉她那些话
[06:37.330]And we got to talking, and I.. 我们开始聊起天来,我…
[06:39.360]We want you to marry her. 我们要你娶她
[06:42.300]What? 什么?
[06:43.530]She is so amazing. You have no idea. 她真的很棒,你根本不了解她
[06:46.240]Who do you think brought her here? 你觉得是谁把她带回这里的?
[06:48.370]Cupid. 丘比特
[06:51.910]She's so cool. She speaks four languages. 她真的好酷,还会说四种语言
[06:54.580]Man, do you know what guys want. 天啊,你们真的知道男人要什么
[07:00.720]Come on, she's so perfect for you. She's sweet. 别这样,她跟你是天生一对 她真的很漂亮
[07:04.360]She likes baseball. She had two beers at lunch. 她喜欢棒球,午餐时喝了两瓶啤酒
[07:07.860]My beers?! 我的啤酒?
[07:11.030]Look, she's a very nice girl. 听着,她真的是个好女孩
[07:13.060]We had a very good time, but I don't see it going anywhere. 我们相处甚欢 但我不觉得我们会有结局
[07:16.330]You always say that. 你总是那么说
[07:17.940]Maybe if you gave her a chance, it would go somewhere. 或许只要你给她一次机会 事情会变得不一样
[07:21.040]I'm sorry,you guys. I just don't think so. 对不起,我真的不那么认为
[07:24.480]-Whatever. -Fine. -随便你 -好吧
[07:26.480]Hey, don't start judging me. 嘿,别开始批评我
[07:29.610]You're in love with your assistant. 你爱上了你的助理
[07:32.120]You're sleeping with the guy who keeps pigeons on the roof. 你跟在屋顶上养鸽子的男人有一腿
[07:36.450]Phoebe! 菲比!
[07:37.960]Secret affair. 那是秘密
[07:49.800]People are doing it in front of my book. 大家在我的书面前做那档子事
[07:54.010]I'm sorry? 你说什么?
[07:55.470]My doctoral dissertation is in the library at school. I went to see it. 学校图书馆收藏了 我的博士论文,我跑去看它
[08:00.240]And there were students making babies right in the paleontology section. 发现学生们在古生物学区做人
[08:06.250]Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good? 我的天啊,你有看到精彩好戏吗?
[08:10.620]At your school... 你们念书的时候…
[08:12.090]was there a place on campus where students went to fool around? 校园里有没有什么地方 是学生会跑去鬼混的?
[08:17.530]Yeah, there was. 没错,真的有
[08:18.930]In the corner of the library where all the books were that nobody ever read. 图书馆的角落里 有些书根本不会有人去借
[08:23.630]Yes, there was. 没错
[08:26.100]Great, because people kept showing up. I think it's like a thing. 太棒了,因为大家都会跑到那里去 我还以为它很受欢迎
[08:30.470]Hold on a second. 等一下
[08:32.280]Fifth floor, against that back wall? 你是指五楼后区的墙边吗?
[08:37.420]Oh, for crying out loud! 我的老天爷啊!
[08:42.520]-So we should go catch our movie. -What's the rush? -我们该去看电影了 -干嘛这么急?
[08:45.290]I'd like to see the previews. 我想看预告片
[08:48.860]The candy. 我要吃糖果
[08:51.800]-Oh, hey. -Well, look who's here. -嘿 -看看是谁来了
[08:55.430]-Hey, Joey. -Hey, Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -嗨,艾玲
[08:57.130]-Hey, Rachel. -Hi. -嗨,瑞秋 -嗨
[08:58.570]We were about to take off and see a movie. 我们正要去看电影
[09:01.810]-Oh, no! -What's wrong? -喔,不! -怎么了?
[09:05.210]Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to. 菲比,我们忘了我们得去参加派对
[09:09.650]Oh, no. 喔,不
[09:12.520]What party? 什么派对?
[09:13.850]A birthday party. 生日派对
[09:16.820]Whose birthday party? 谁的生日派对?
[09:18.460]Alison's birthday party. 爱莉森的生日派对
[09:23.190]And how old is Alison? 爱莉森几岁了?
[09:24.730]Thirty-two. 三十二岁
[09:29.000]Wait a minute. Why don't you guys do something? 等一下,你们为什么 不一起出去玩呢?
[09:33.170]Look how that worked out. 那一招真的有用
[09:41.080]Excuse me. Hi, I'm a professor here. 对不起,我是学校里的教授
[09:44.250]Do you know the paleontology section, fifth floor, stack 437? 你知道五楼437号书架的 古生物学区吗?
[09:49.250]Well, yes. Just give me five minutes. 我知道,等我五分钟
[09:52.360]I just have to find someone to cover my shift. 我得找人来帮我代班
[09:57.930]No, no, no. 不…
[10:01.130]Can I speak to someone in charge? 我能跟负责人谈一谈吗?
[10:06.940]How can I help? 有什么事吗?
[10:08.140]Hi, I was wondering,is it possible to increase security... 你好,我想问馆方能不能增加人手…
[10:11.840]in the paleontology section? 巡逻古生物学区?
[10:13.980]I wrote a book that's up there. 我写的书放在那里
[10:15.950]And instead of reading it, people are... 但大家去那里不是看书,而是…
[10:18.520]Well, they're rolling around in front of it. 喔,他们在我的书面前打滚
[10:22.750]We are aware of the problem you're referring to. 我们知道你提及的问题
[10:30.830]As far as increasing security, I'm afraid the library's understaffed. 但增加巡逻这件事 恐怕馆方的人力不足
[10:34.800]I can't help you. 我帮不上你的忙
[10:37.700]Well, fine. 喔,好吧
[10:39.300]If I'm the only person with any appreciation... 如果我是唯一愿意欣赏…
[10:42.340]of the sanctity of the written word, then I'll go defend it myself. 书写文字之美的人 我会亲自去捍卫它
[10:46.810]Don't you follow me. 别跟着我
[10:53.650]-How did it go with Erin? -Unbelievable. -你跟艾玲玩得还开心吗? -真是不可思议
[10:56.890]We had the best time. 我们玩得非常开心
[10:59.990]-So you're not mad anymore? -No, no. You guys were totally right. -你不再生我们的气了? -不,你们是对的
[11:03.830]This was much better than the first date. 这次比我们第一次约会棒得多
[11:06.300]It was awkward. We were both nervous. 那真的很尴尬,我们都很紧张
[11:09.070]-Didn't you sleep together? -Yeah, that calms me down. -你们不是上过床了? -对,那让我冷静下来
[11:14.270]And we have so much in common. 我们有很多共通点
[11:16.370]She loves sandwiches, sports. Although she is a Met fan. 她喜欢三明治,运动 虽然她是大都会队的球迷
[11:21.980]Not an issue now, but if we had kids... 现在那不是问题 但如果我们有了孩子…
[11:24.920]Oh, my God! Listen to you talking about having kids. 我的天啊!你竟然会提到生孩子的事
[11:29.590]Oh, my Joey. 喔,我的乔伊
[11:32.590]Please don't get married before I do. 求求你别比我先结婚
[11:41.170]I just cannot believe that Clark stood me up. 我不敢相信克拉克会放我鸽子
[11:45.300]He may still show up. 他应该会来
[11:46.740]What are you, stupid? 你是笨蛋吗?
[11:49.340]-It's been three hours. -Is that all? -我们已经等了三小时 -只有三小时吗?
[11:53.740]Let's go on to happier things. 谈一些比较快乐的事
[11:57.580]Why don't you tell me about your lovely wedding. 你为什么不告诉我你们的婚礼呢?
[12:00.350]There was something that we wanted to tell you about the wedding. 关于我们的婚礼 有件事我们想告诉你
[12:05.390]It's going to be a small ceremony. 婚礼的规模很小
[12:08.890]Tiny. 小到不行
[12:11.600]We're not even sure why we're having it. 我们甚至不知道为什么要举行婚礼
[12:15.200]It's actually going to be just family. 事实上我们只会邀请家人来参加
[12:19.570]Oh, wait. 喔,等一下
[12:24.340]You two think of me as family? 你们把我当家人看待?
[12:30.610]I have to ask you something now, and be honest. 我得问你们一件事,请老实地回答我
[12:34.080]Do you want me to sing "Careless Whisper" or "Lady in Red"? 你们要我唱《无心呢喃》 或《红衣女郎》?
[12:42.090]How can you say that? The Mets have no closer. 你怎么能那么说? 大都会队也好不到哪里去
[12:44.600]-What about Benitez? -What about game one of the series? -班尼提兹呢? -第一场比赛呢?
[12:48.100]-What about shut up? -You shut up. -你为什么不闭嘴? -你才要闭嘴
[12:51.400]I love arguing with her. 我喜欢跟她吵架
[12:53.770]-Be right back. -Okay. -我马上回来 -好的
[12:57.310]How's it going with Joey? 你跟乔伊进行得如何?
[12:58.810]Oh,okay. 还好
[13:01.010]Okay? 还好?
[13:02.610]Tell me that you like him, please. I mean, tell me that you like him. 请告诉我你喜欢他 告诉我你真的喜欢他
[13:07.020]He's a really great guy,and I know you really want this to work out... 他真的很棒,我知道 你们希望我们能成功…
[13:11.420]but I just don't see this having a future. 但我不觉得我们会有未来
[13:16.930]But you said that you liked him. What happened? 但你说过你喜欢他,发生了什么事?
[13:20.030]Did you just change your mind? 你改变了心意吗?
[13:23.300]-Kind of. -Then change it back! -可以那么说 -那么快改回来
[13:27.140]I'm sorry. It's just, there's no real spark. 对不起,我们之间真的没有火花
[13:31.040]Didn't you sleep together? 你们不是上过床了吗?
[13:33.310]Yeah. 对
[13:34.780]Tramp. 荡/f/
[13:38.280]Does Joey have any idea? 乔伊知道吗?
[13:40.050]I don't think he does. You know what? 我想他不知道,你知道吗?
[13:42.650]Maybe you could tell him I'm not interested... 或许你可以告诉他我不想…
[13:45.660]in a serious relationship. 认真地跟别人交往
[13:48.930]You mean, like, that you're kind of a loner? 你是说你是个独行侠?
[13:51.460]Yeah, that'd be great. 对,那个说法不错
[13:53.200]And maybe that you're a real stronzo. 或许你真的是个淫娃
[13:56.000]I'm sorry. 你说什么?
[13:57.170]I guess Italian isn't one of the four languages you speak. 我猜你会说的四种语言 不包括意大利文
[14:03.210]-Hey. Want to go? -Yeah, let's go. -嘿,要走了吗? -我们走吧
[14:06.080]-Okay. See you guys later. -Bye,guys. -待会见 -再见
[14:10.050]Hey, thank you so much. 谢谢你们
[14:15.850]Wow. 哇
[14:17.220]I guess it wasn't cupid that brought her here. 我猜不是丘比特把她带来这里的
[14:20.260]No, just a regular old flying dwarf. 不,只是一个会飞的老矮人
[14:30.730]Yes, yes. How can I help you? 怎么了?需要我帮忙吗?
[14:33.670]We were just looking around. 我们只是四处看看
[14:35.670]Oh, you're fellow scholars. 原来你们是爱念书的学生
[14:38.210]What exactly were you looking for? 你们到底在找什么?
[14:41.880]Perhaps Dr. Chester Stock's musings... 或许你们想看查斯特史塔克博士…
[14:45.250]on the Smilodon californicus? 对剑齿虎的研究?
[14:50.750]Get out of here! 快滚!
[15:01.570]Meeting someone? 你来找人吗?
[15:03.300]Or are you just here to brush up... 还是你想来看看…
[15:06.270]on Merriam's views on evolution? 犸莉安对进化论的看法?
[15:09.510]Actually,I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 事实上,我觉得犸莉安 的观点太先进了
[15:18.720]I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 我也觉得犸莉安的观点太先进了
[15:22.250]I'm sorry. Who are you? 对不起,你是谁?
[15:25.620]I'm a professor here. Ross Geller. 我是本校的教授罗斯盖勒
[15:28.090]Ross Geller? Why do I know that name? It's a... 罗斯盖勒?这个名字好熟 它是…
[15:32.130]Wait. 等一下
[15:37.170]Did you write this? 这本书是你写的吗?
[15:39.340]Yes. 对
[15:44.040]You're the person who checked out my book? 你就是借走我的书的人?
[15:49.080]You know,you look nothing like I would have thought. 你跟我想像中完全不一样
[15:54.280]You're so young. 你好年轻
[15:56.950]Well, I skipped fourth grade. 我跳了四级
[16:08.630]I am very,very sorry. 我真的很抱歉
[16:21.650]-So how was your date? -Great. We walked around the Village. -你们的约会还顺利吗? -太棒了,我们在格林威治村散步
[16:25.850]We went to this ice cream place. Split a milk shake. 还去了冰淇淋店,一起喝一杯奶昔
[16:28.720]Seventy-thirty, but still. 我喝的比较多,但那还是很棒
[16:31.490]I'm thinking of taking her upstate to one of those bed and breakfasts. 我想带她到北区旅馆去过一夜
[16:35.460]Really? She said she wants to go? 真的吗?她答应了吗?
[16:38.000]No, it's a surprise. It's gonna be tricky, because she's busy at work. 不,那是个惊喜,但那有点难 因为她的工作很忙
[16:44.640]Joey, look,honey, we need to talk,okay? 好吧,甜心,乔伊 我们得谈一谈,好吗?
[16:50.370]I got the feeling from her... 她让我觉得…
[16:52.640]that she's not looking for a serious relationship. 她不想认真地跟别人交往
[16:58.180]-Where are you getting this? -She told me. -你怎么会那么想? -是她告诉我的
[17:02.720]She said she's kind of a loner. 她说她是个独行侠
[17:13.530]-Joey.. -Hey, Rach, it's cool, you know. -乔伊… -嘿,瑞秋,没关系的
[17:16.030]I'm a loner too, right? 我也是个独行侠,对吧?
[17:19.870]Hey, Joey. You know what? You are way too good for her. 乔伊,你知道吗?她配不上你
[17:23.410]I promise, next time I will tell them you're not looking for a relationship. 我发誓下次我会告诉她们 你不想定下来
[17:31.010]No, don't do that. Just... 不,别那么做,只要…
[17:36.050]-Next time, make sure she likes me. -Well, that too. -下次确定她喜欢我 -对,你说的没错
[17:44.360]Joey? 乔伊?
[17:48.970]-Do you want some pancakes? -Finally. -你要吃煎饼吗? -终于
[17:55.070]What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办?
[17:57.170]I say we go with "Careless Whisper." 我们该选《无心呢喃》
[18:02.950]Chandler? 钱德?
[18:04.450]Did she see us yet? Did she see us? 她看到我们了吗?
[18:11.790]Janice, what are you doing here? 珍妮丝,你来这里做什么?
[18:14.060]I thought I was gonna go back to my apartment... 我想回我公寓去…
[18:17.090]but I just felt like I really couldn't be alone tonight. 但我觉得今晚我不想独处
[18:27.810]I was just wondering if I could maybe stay here with you. 我在想或许我可以待在你们家
[18:31.810]Just,I really feel like I need to be with family. 我真的觉得我该跟家人在一起
[18:37.150]Our kids are gonna call her Aunt Janice, aren't they? 我们的孩子会叫她 珍妮丝阿姨,对吧?
[18:40.850]Please. Because otherwise, I really don't know what I might do. 拜托,因为我真的不知道 我会做出什么事来
[18:46.320]Aren't you just a teensy bit curious? 你不会有点好奇吗?
[18:51.090]-You have any tissues? -Yeah, in the bathroom. -你有面纸吗? -有,在浴室里
[18:57.670]We'll just let her stay. 我们得收留她
[18:59.640]No. If we let her stay, she will stay forever. 不,如果我们收留她 她会永远住在这里
[19:05.040]-Kind of like your Barcalounger. -Is that what you're thinking about? -就像你的巴卡兰吉 -你真的那么想?
[19:08.510]I never stop thinking about it. 我一直都是那么想
[19:12.180]Hey, you guys? 你们还好吗?
[19:13.750]Do either one of you want to get in there before I take my bath? 你们想上洗手间吗?因为我要洗澡了
[19:19.160]Janice, I'm sorry... 珍妮丝,对不起…
[19:21.260]but you can't stay here tonight. 但今晚你不能留下来
[19:25.200]Why not? 为什么?
[19:26.460]Honestly? 实情吗?
[19:28.300]Our apartment is a hotbed... 我们家因为电磁辐射的关系…
[19:31.770]for electromagnetic activity. 遭到了污染
[19:36.140]Monica and I have been immunized, but sadly... 摩妮卡跟我已经免疫了,但不幸地…
[19:39.380]you have not. 你没有免疫力
[19:48.690]I'm gonna need a comforter. 我需要一条棉被
[19:50.490]Do you have a hypoallergenic one? Because otherwise I get very nasal. 你有抗过敏的棉被吗? 不然的话我的鼻子会过敏
[19:57.530]Do you have a cat? Because it's already happening. 你们养了猫吗? 因为我已经开始过敏了
[20:01.500]Do you hear that? Listen. 你们听到了吗?你们听
[20:07.340]Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You have to go. 我的天啊!你非离开不可
[20:09.910]Why? 为什么?
[20:13.680]Because Chandler still has feelings for you. 因为钱德对你还有感觉
[20:19.850]He does? 真的吗?
[20:21.420]Say again? 你说什么?
[20:23.820]That's right. That's right. 没错
[20:26.360]And that is why you can't stay here tonight. 所以今晚你不能留下来
[20:29.690]And probably why you shouldn't come to the wedding. 或许你不该来参加婚礼
[20:33.700]Feelings. Such strong feelings. 感觉,很强烈的感觉
[20:38.270]I mean,I realize that his feelings may never completely go away... 我是说我知道他对你的感觉 永远都不会完全消失…
[20:43.340]but you can. 但你可以消失
[20:46.480]Oh, my God. 我的天啊
[20:49.550]I understand. I am so sorry. 我了解,我真的很抱歉
[20:53.380]I'll go. 我会离开的
[21:00.120]Goodbye, Monica. 再见,摩妮卡
[21:01.930]I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him. 我祝你跟他永远幸福快乐
[21:06.160]Chandler. 钱德
[21:09.230]You call me when this goes in the pooper. 如果你们处得不好 你可以打电话给我
[21:24.550]I've got this section covered. 这区由我负责
[21:26.720]Yeah,in fact,I've got this baby to shine in people's eyes. 事实上我会拿着手电筒 照别人的眼睛…
[21:29.920]Okay, see you later. 好吧,待会见
[21:41.900]I just wanted to show Monica your book. 我只是带摩妮卡来看你的书
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Friends S07E07评论

Oh my God! (janice标志笑声???
为什么joey那么不喜欢janice 虽然我也不喜欢[呲牙]
在部队的时候有一回连里组织排400米对抗快到我的时候我手机一直在按蓝牙切歌(当时老兵搞体能可以带耳机)快好交棒到我手里的时候刚好切到这首歌瞬间就燃了起来直接把2 3排和我同棒的拉爆了[生气]
全世界最温柔的人 没错 就是森内贵宽啦
“原来这就是结局。格林德沃逃跑了,这是除了我谁都能料见到的,他消失了,带着他争权夺利的计划,他虐待麻瓜的阴谋.还有他寻找死亡圣器的梦想,这些…我曾经鼓励和帮助过他的梦想…他逃走了” -AD
他们只知道中国有嘻哈,他们不知道中国有嘻哈 送给某些敏感又幼稚的怪物们

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