(1)This is the sea, then, this great abeyance.How the s_是谁唱的

周浩170920 2023-10-26 0

(1)This is the sea, then, this great abeyance.How the s_是谁唱的


歌曲专辑:Sylvia Plath Reading Her Poetry

演唱歌手:Sylvia Plath


[00:00.000] (1)
[00:00.017] This is the sea, then, this great abeyance.
[00:03.300] How the sun's poultice draws on my inflammation.
[00:07.010] Electrifyingly-colored sherbets, scooped from the freeze
[00:10.767] By pale girls, travel the air in scorched hands.
[00:14.812] Why is it so quiet, what are they hiding?
[00:17.851] I have two legs, and I move smilingly...
[00:20.326] A sandy damper kills the vibrations;
[00:23.283] It stretches for miles, the shrunk voices
[00:26.383] Waving and crutchless, half their old size.
[00:29.809] The lines of the eye, scalded by these bald surfaces,
[00:34.361] Boomerang like anchored elastics, hurting the owner.
[00:37.961] Is it any wonder he puts on dark glasses?
[00:40.863] Is it any wonder he affects a black cassock?
[00:44.114] Here he comes now, among the mackerel gatherers
[00:47.856] Who wall up their backs against him.
[00:50.385] They are handling the black and green lozenges like the parts of a body.
[00:54.262] The sea, that crystallized these,
[00:57.357] Creeps away, many-snaked, with a long hiss of distress.
[01:02.216] (2)
[01:03.048] This black boot has no mercy for anybody.
[01:06.704] Why should it, it is the hearse of a dad foot
[01:09.181] The high, dead, toeless foot of this priest
[01:12.399] Who plumbs the well of his book,
[01:14.576] The bent print bulging before him like scenery.
[01:18.102] Obscene bikinis hid in the dunes,
[01:21.180] Breasts and hips a confectioner's sugar
[01:23.818] Of little crystals, titillating the light,
[01:26.753] While a green pool opens its eye,
[01:29.346] Sick with what it has swallowed----
[01:31.391] Limbs, images, shrieks. Behind the concrete bunkers
[01:35.715] Two lovers unstick themselves.
[01:38.356] O white sea-crockery,
[01:40.604] What cupped sighs, what salt in the throat....
[01:43.478] And the onlooker, trembling,
[01:45.886] Drawn like a long material
[01:47.694] Through a still virulence,
[01:49.523] And a ****, hairy as privates.
[01:52.551] (3)
[01:53.407] On the balconies of the hotel, things are glittering.
[01:57.504] Things, things----
[01:59.189] Tubular steel wheelchairs, aluminum crutches.
[02:02.756] Such salt-sweetness. Why should I walk
[02:06.566] Beyond the breakwater, spotty with barnacles?
[02:09.342] I am not a nurse, white and attendant,
[02:11.677] I am not a smile.
[02:13.600] These children are after something, with hooks and cries,
[02:18.049] And my heart too small to bandage their terrible faults.
[02:22.279] This is the side of a man: his red ribs,
[02:24.996] The nerves bursting like trees, and this is the surgeon:
[02:28.426] One mirrory eye----
[02:30.748] A facet of knowledge.
[02:36.367] On a striped mattress in one room
[02:39.123] An old man is vanishing.
[02:41.271] There is no help in his weeping wife.
[02:43.473] Where are the eye-stones, yellow and valuable,
[02:46.764] And the tongue, sapphire of ash.
[02:49.679] (4)
[02:50.690] A wedding-cake face in a paper frill.
[02:53.333] How superior he is now.
[02:55.484] It is like possessing a saint.
[02:57.294] The nurses in their wing-caps are no longer so beautiful;
[03:01.105] They are browning, like touched gardenias.
[03:03.294] The bed is rolled from the wall.
[03:05.637] This is what it is to be complete. It is horrible.
[03:09.227] Is he wearing pajamas or an evening suit
[03:11.907] Under the glued sheet from which his powdery beak
[03:14.985] Rises so whitely unbuffeted?
[03:17.485] They propped his jaw with a book until it stiffened
[03:21.169] And folded his hands, that were shaking: goodbye, goodbye.
[03:25.659] Now the washed sheets fly in the sun,
[03:28.554] The pillow cases are sweetening.
[03:30.783] It is a blessing, it is a blessing:
[03:32.943] The long coffin of soap-colored oak,
[03:35.461] The curious bearers and the raw date
[03:38.219] Engraving itself in silver with marvelous calm.
[03:41.853] (5)
[03:43.167] The gray sky lowers, the hills like a green sea
[03:46.822] Run fold upon fold far off, concealing their hollows,
[03:51.006] The hollows in which rock the thoughts of the wife----
[03:53.969] Blunt, practical boats
[03:56.511] Full of dresses and hats and china and married daughters.
[04:00.375] In the parlor of the stone house
[04:03.042] One curtain is flickering from the open window,
[04:06.308] Flickering and pouring, a pitiful candle.
[04:09.490] This is the tongue of the dead man: remember, remember.
[04:13.093] How far he is now, his actions
[04:16.762] Around him like livingroom furniture, like a décor.
[04:19.918] As the pallors gather----
[04:21.893] The pallors of hands and neighborly faces,
[04:24.607] The elate pallors of flying iris.
[04:27.262] They are flying off into nothing: remember us.
[04:31.115] The empty benches of memory look over stones,
[04:33.796] Marble facades with blue veins, and jelly-glassfuls of daffodils.
[04:38.847] It is so beautiful up here: it is a stopping place.
[04:42.127] (6)
[04:43.078] The natural fatness of these lime leaves!----
[04:46.319] Pollarded green balls, the trees march to church.
[04:49.542] The voice of the priest, in thin air,
[04:51.877] Meets the corpse at the gate,
[04:53.727] Addressing it, while the hills roll the notes of the dead bell;
[04:57.136] A glittler of wheat and crude earth.
[04:59.992] What is the name of that color?----
[05:02.269] Old blood of caked walls the sun heals,
[05:05.193] Old blood of limb stumps, burnt hearts.
[05:08.140] The widow with her black pocketbook and three daughters,
[05:12.624] Necessary among the flowers,
[05:14.627] Enfolds her lace like fine linen,
[05:17.569] Not to be spread again.
[05:19.340] While a sky, wormy with put-by smiles,
[05:22.663] Passes cloud after cloud.
[05:24.963] And the bride flowers expend a freshness,
[05:28.182] And the soul is a bride
[05:29.785] In a still place, and the groom is red and forgetful, he is featureless.
[05:35.561] (7)
[05:36.013] Behind the glass of this car
[05:38.044] The world purrs, shut-off and gentle.
[05:41.777] And I am dark-suited and still, a member of the party,
[05:46.329] Gliding up in low gear behind the cart.
[05:49.550] And the priest is a vessel,
[05:51.061] A tarred fabric, sorry and dull,
[05:53.706] Following the coffin on its flowery cart like a beautiful woman,
[05:57.525] A crest of breasts, eyelids and lips
[06:00.248] Storming the hilltop.
[06:01.757] Then, from the barred yard, the children
[06:04.190] Smell the melt of shoe-blacking,
[06:06.044] Their faces turning, wordless and slow,
[06:08.959] Their eyes opening
[06:10.442] On a wonderful thing----
[06:12.212] Six round black hats in the grass and a lozenge of wood,
[06:16.331] And a naked mouth, red and awkward.
[06:19.126] For a minute the sky pours into the hole like plasma.
[06:23.250] There is no hope, it is given up.


超好听啊 为什么没什么人啊[流泪]
先听的痛哭 再听的相依为命
不出意外的話再也見不到了 陪我走過整個初中回憶的男孩
当然是有Xtra RAW元素在的
欢迎@LostStories 加入达摩厂的怀抱[爱心] 这首在之前的sunburn上听到片段已经期待了很久[大笑]好似畅游在浩瀚天地,抬头落霞满天,合眼清风拂面,感受身心的自在#Dharma Worldwide#


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